Matt Hunt

By Matt's Marathon for Gidget!

My Activity Tracking


My target 42 kms

Running the Sydney Marathon: A Hot Challenge for a Worthy Cause

Dear Supporters,

I hope this message finds you well as I express my deepest thanks to all of you for supporting me in running the Sydney Marathon for the Gidget Foundation. Your generous donations and well wishes have meant the world to me, and I want to share with you the incredible journey I experienced during this challenging race.

Yesterday, as I laced up my running shoes and joined the ranks of determined athletes at the Sydney Marathon, I knew I was in for a gruelling test of endurance. What I couldn't have predicted was the scorching 30-degree heat that would make this race even tougher than I had imagined.

The race started off on a promising note. The first 10 kilometres were invigorating as we ran across the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge. The energy from the cheering crowds and the camaraderie of fellow runners gave me a boost, and I felt great as I paced myself through the early part of the race. I was running strong and in good spirits as I passed the 20 kilometre mark, buoyed by the thought of the incredible cause we were supporting together.

However, the Sydney Marathon is known for its punishing climb out from Circular Quay and challenging terrain around Centennial Park. As I hit the 30 kilometre mark, the unforgiving conditions began to take their toll. The heat was relentless, and the race seemed never-ending. At that moment, I started to question whether I could finish. Doubt crept in, and I felt like giving up.

Having confidence in my training and the thought of the Gidget Foundation and the young parents battling perinatal depression and anxiety pushed me forward. I remembered why I was running this race, and I drew strength from the knowledge that our collective efforts were making a difference in their lives. Your support was a driving force - I couldn't let you all down.

By the time I reached the 37 kilometre mark, I was physically and mentally drained. Every step felt like a monumental effort; I was close to collapse like the many bodies I could see on the side of the road being tended to by paramedics. It was at this point that I truly appreciated the incredible power of teamwork. The support of my family, and my 13 year old daughter Sophie who ran alongside me for the last 2 kilometres, provided the encouragement I needed to keep going. She lifted my spirits, told me to β€œtoughen up!” and gave me the belief that I could do it - she helped me persevere.

In the end, after 4 hours and 4 minutes of painful effort, I crossed the finish line and collapsed in the shade to catch my breath and regain my strength before reuniting with my family who had come out to watch and support me. I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, and gratitude for the opportunity to be part of this race and this cause.

In closing, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your generous donations and well wishes not only helped me cross the finish line but also made a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need of the Gidget Foundation. Together, we are making a difference, and I couldn't have done it without your support.. Let's continue to support this incredible cause.

With heartfelt thanks,

Matt Hunt

Thank you to my Sponsors


Scott Keats

Amazing cause and great effort Matt!


Stephen Tilston

Great cause Matty. You are a handsome man that can run. #keeponhammering


Daniel Brabant

Great work Matty. Run hard πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻


Goo & Jimmy

Free loaders go home, you got this Matteo.


Yann Fasbender


Adam Furness

Good on you, brother! Parenting is certainly a Marathon. Think this little donation gets you to your target. πŸ‘ŠπŸ½


Jane+ Nik

Go Matt! Yay!


The Jackos

Go Matt!


Annie White

Legend! Best of luck!


Mark Buckman

Run well mate. Great cause πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


Sim & Marty Short

Go Matty Go!!!


Alex Hind

Good luck Matt! Stay hydrated!



Good luck and smash it Marty


Orla Garrigan

One KPI!


Mal Mcdonald

Youre a legend Matt, smashed the marathon today and raised money for a good cause as well.


Judith Hunt

Go Matt! Go!



Good on you Matty!!


Vlad Baltovski

Well done buddy. Good luck



You got this!


Andrew Jacobs

πŸ™Œ congrats Matt. I did the same but on the bike to get myself in shape for the birth of my first child and kept it up ever since. More energy, better sleep, clearer thinking. Just a Better all round human. Total game changer.


Joyce Enos

Go Matt!


Karen Thong

Break a leg…..No don’t :)


Luke Hannan